Personal Wiki

This is a list of books recommended to me. I need to determine if they shall be put on my to read list.

  • Exhalation - Ted Chiang
  • Becoming Supernatural - Dr. Joe Dispenza
  • this is how you heal by brianna wiest
  • the four agreements by don miguel ruiz (neuroses into perspective)
  • How Not to Die - Michael Gregor
  • Untamed - Glennon Doyle
  • Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert
  • Saga - Brian K. Vaughan
  • Y: The Last Man - Brian K. Vaughan
  • Out of Love - Hazel Hayes
  • So Much I Want to Tell You: Letters to My Little Sister - Anna Akana
  • 48 laws of power
  • evolutionary psychology david buss
  • civilization and its discontent sigmeud freud
  • the highly sensitive person
  • good to great: why some compnaies make the leap
  • Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved Parents
  • dark futures